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Veggie Victory!

Have a Veggie Victory this Healthy Eating Week!

We all know our children need to eat plenty of vegetables to be healthy. But sometimes this is easier said than done!  


We asked parents what made it difficult to get their children eating vegetables – they said: 

  • Children prefer to eat processed foods such as baked beans, chips or fish fingers (38%) or other home-cooked foods such as pasta, rice or chicken (33%) 
  • More than a third of parents (37%) said their children refuse to eat vegetables.  
  • Overall, more than 45% of parents said that healthy food being more expensive than unhealthy foods made it harder to give their children a healthy diet. 

We want you to have a Veggie Victory with your children this Healthy Eating Week (10-14 June). See if you can get them to eat two types of vegetable with their dinner every night this week. Fresh, frozen and canned all count and we’ve got some suggestions below on what to try. Don’t worry if they don’t eat all of it – even if they just try one bite, it still counts as a victory! There’s a reward chart you could download to record your progress during the week.


For more on using rewards to encourage children to eat vegetables see Simply Veg

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